The Power of a Father’s Blessing
In biblical times, a father’s blessing meant everything. It was not just a show of favor but it was the passing on of an inheritance and in many cases wishing that child a long and prosperous life. We think of a blessing as a verbal affirmation, however it’s much more than that; the father’s blessing carries with it a lasting impact that is revealed from generation to generation.
What Do You Value Most?
“He who loves his life loses it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it to life eternal.” (John 12:25)
A paradoxical statement is a statement that seems to contradict itself. For example:
- “How am I supposed to get job experience if I can’t get a job because I have no experience?”
- “A male barber shaves all and only those men who do not shave themselves. Does he shave himself?”
- “A Cretan says, ‘All Cretans are liars.”
- “This sentence is false.”
The King is Coming
“Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout in triumph, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your king is coming to you; He is just and endowed with salvation, Humble, and mounted on a donkey, Even on a colt, the foal of a donkey.” (Zechariah 9:9)
The whole nation of Israel was encouraged to look forward to and welcome the coming king, “your king who comes to you.” This great King is the one who brings with Him salvation for all.
Remembering What Really Matters
Memorial Day is a day to remember. Our nation remembers the sacrifices of those who have bled and died to preserve the freedoms and privileges we have as citizens of the United States of America. Remembering their sacrifices does not benefit them, it benefits us.
Responding to Jesus: How You Respond Says What You Believe
When God does something amazing, people respond. A few weeks ago we studied the miracle of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead in John 11:1-44. In this passage Jesus had just performed arguably the best miracle in his repertoire of miracles; bringing someone back from the dead. The people who were there to see it were amazed!