Do You Believe?
Jesus had come and healed a man that had been blind since birth, and as a result of the miracle and the man’s reluctance in discrediting Jesus, the man was excommunicated from the synagogue. Even his own parents distanced themselves from him for fear of the Jews.
Who is Jesus?
The religious leaders were interrogating the healed blind man concerning the miracle of sight that he had received from Jesus. They refused to believe that Jesus is the Messiah and were looking for evidence in order to kill Him.
On Mission
There is a special urgency in doing the works of God. Why? Because there is a limited time to accomplish the work of witnessing to the world. Typically the day is the time for work because it is light. When night would come all work would stop because of darkness. As long as the sun is up it is imperative to accomplish the work of the day.
Alive in Christ
What kind of person can live and not see death? Is that even possible? In this day and age of modern medicine people strive for longer lives. What about life support? Can a person be put on life support and let machines take over?
Set Free
The worst kind of slavery is when someone is in bondage and doesn’t even know it. That person thinks he is free when he really is a slave. For example consider the self-deception of an addict who says, “I’m in control of my addiction; I can stop whenever I want to.” The answer to that lie is, “No, you cannot stop anytime you want to because you are in bondage to your addiction.”