Children’s Ministry
At Warren Community Fellowship we value our children and it is our desire that they feel loved and at home when they walk through the doors of our church building. We hope to express love by being prepared to teach them the truth of God’s Word, establishing safe and orderly classrooms, and by encouraging them in their spiritual growth. We purpose to use our time with them to point them to our amazing Savior and show them who they can turn to to find help, hope and a future.
Children’s Ministry call the Church Office at 503.397.4387
Children’s Ministry
9:00 and 10:45 am
Awana Kids Club 6:15 – 8:00 pm

We offer childcare for those who are 0 to walking and walking to potty-trained. For your child’s safety we staff 1 worker for every 3 infants. In order to help our kids stay healthy we ask that you refrain from placing your child in the Nursery when they have had a fever, vomiting, diarrhea, cough or runny nose within the past 24 hours.
For your convenience we offer a Nursing Moms Room (203) where you can take care of your child’s needs and not miss hearing the service. We also have a Family Room located in the back of the Worship Center for families that have active children not placed in the Nursery that still want to attend the Worship Service.
Sunday School
Sunday School is our instructional and worship time for all children potty-trained through 6th grade. We offer two different Sunday School opportunities for children on a Sunday morning, 9:00 and 10:45 am each with a different curriculum so that kids can attend both services while their parents serve throughout the building. Our First Service curriculum (The Gospel Project) walks kids chronologically through the Bible and shows them how Christ is found through all of Scripture, helps them make sense of the full story being told and shows them who God is and what He is like. Our Second Service curriculum (Explore the Bible) is an interactive lesson with hands on learning that encourages kids to live out their faith. Both Services include a time of worship through song.
Children are signed in for each Service by their parents beginning 15 minutes before each Service starts at the registration counter downstairs and taken to their classroom where they participate in Bible study, games, crafts, and snack. When Service is over parents may sign their children out at their classroom; 5th and 6th Graders are allowed to leave on their own unless otherwise requested by the parent. If your child stays for both Services we ask that you sign them out and back in at the appropriate time so that the teachers have time to transition. Only those who have signed a child in are allowed to sign a child out. We take your child’s safety very seriously so background checks are done on all Children’s Ministry workers and we have a ratio of 1 worker for every 8-10 kids.
We also offer a Wednesday night Children’s Ministry program called AWANA (Approved Workers Are Not Ashamed) that has a Bible Club atmosphere. Children are encouraged to memorize Scripture and get to earn rewards. Children participate in a small group, large group and game time. The Cubbie group includes children 3 years old and potty-trained to 5 years and not yet in Kindergarten. Our Sparks group is for kids Kindergarten through 2nd grade. And Truth and Training is for 3rd grade to 6th grade.
Special Needs
We are aware that many children have special needs that require consideration when they are in a group or classroom setting. We do our best to include every child in all we do here at WCF. We do not have specially trained volunteers for every kind of special need, but we do have willing hands and a desire to welcome every kid.
We are prepared to meet the needs of kids with food allergies. We have sugar free, dairy free, gluten free and nut free options for snack time.