First Responder Rest Stop


To bridge our community and those sworn to protect and serve it, by hosting a safe place of renewal for officers.

What is a First Responder Rest Stop?

Local churches partner to provide coffee, cold drinks, snacks, etc. free of charge for local first responders. That is the technical definition, but truly, it is so much more than that. We give them a safe place to rest from the job, to complete paperwork and to replenish their soul, if just for a moment.

Why do we do this?

First Responders are usually assigned to geographic districts where they patrol and work to be proactive in responding to calls in an area. However, for first responders, and especially cops to go to a non-contact office, they almost always have to drive a distance to an office, fire station or precinct to take a break or work on paperwork. This can be both time consuming and strategically inefficient, especially during major incidents.
First responders have a rough, and often thankless job, especially police officers. It is rare that people show them they are cared about, appreciated and loved. They see people at some of the lowest points in their lives, often as victim or criminal and are seldom treated with respect by those they encounter. The statistics are staggering within this profession for divorce and suicides.
This is our chance to show them they are appreciated. We tell them that they matter, they are loved, there is still good in the world. We tell them that it’s going to be okay. The impact this act of kindness leaves is multiplied out and serves, through those first responders, into the community around us. Many of our officers need a safe haven to come to and a little respite from the job, but we also have Christian officers out there sharing God’s love and the invitation to accept Him – we may never know how far we are reaching when we serve this ministry.
Additionally, Rest Stops provide the open door for further connections, including faith-based First Responder marriage seminars, Peer Wellness and Leadership Development opportunities.


“It encourages me to work hard because I am reminded of the good people that are in our community.”
“It validates my position and reminds me that people do care.”
“My co-worker and I look forward to this every day. It is our safe place.”
“This place makes us feel special, like we are part of a community.”
“Department morale has improved.”
One officer who was verbally describing what this place meant to him, after a moment of silence simply said, “There just aren’t words.”