Men’s Ministry
WCF Men’s Ministry exists to encourage, hold accountable and enjoy camaraderie among men in and outside the church. (Isaiah 35:3, Proverbs 27:17)
We strive to encourage men to stay strong in their faith by being in the Word daily and not falter under pressure, so they may lead their families, co-workers and everyone they meet to a life with Christ. We as men need to hold each other accountable for our actions and words to ensure that we can stand before God. Men will develop a sense of purpose and mission as they grow and enjoy comradeship with one another through weekly men’s community groups and fellowship activities.
Men’s Ministry
Dustin DeHaven at 503.740.0982 or Kyle Kirsch at 503.720.6763
Morning Coffee
9:00 am – WCF Lobby
Fellowship and Prayer
Wednesday Bible Study
5:30 am – Upper Room
Dissecting individual books of the Bible and finding their application in our day to day life.
Betterman Videos
Session 1 – Click the link to view
Session 2 – Click the link to view
Session 3 – Click the link to view
Session 4 – Click the link to view