Mike Detzel
Wife: Rahna
5 children between the two of us and 7 grandchildren
Previous line of Work:
Retired after 30 years at the post office as a letter carrier. Went to Walgreens for 5 years, started volunteering at WCF by cutting grass. Hired April 2014 as janitor at WCF
Book/Books: The Bible and “Absolute Surrender” by Andrew Murray
Food: Imo’s pizza from St Louis and Rocky Road ice cream.
TV Show: Baseball and NCIS
Place to Pray: Anywhere walking
Hobbies: Golf
Sports Team: St Louis baseball Cardinals and St Louis Blues hockey.
Sports: Baseball
Vacation Place: Love going back to St Louis to see my family but really want to go to Israel.
Least Favorite Food:
One of my greatest experiences with God:
Probably my first mission trip to Mexico back in 2000. Think of the feeding of the five thousand in the gospels. I saw it happen. We were handing out bags of food to the poor and the line was unbelievable. I told the gentleman next to me that we were going to run out of food and he just said, “See what God can do.” Well, when all the people were fed, we still had 12 bags of food left. God is still in the miracle business.
Most people don’t know this about me:
I cry when watching certain movies. Ever see “November Christmas”?