There are only two women named in “The Hall of Faith” found in Hebrews 11. One is Sarah, Abraham’s wife, and the other is Rahab, the harlot of Jericho. The author of Hebrews is not taking away from the many women of faith we find throughout the Scriptures but seeking to explain the main idea of tremendous faith, “all these people are examples of ones living by faith.”
What makes Rahab’s faith unique? Rahab’s faith was based on a fear of destruction from Yahweh God. Rahab and all the inhabitants in the land of Canaan had heard of the powerful God of the Hebrews and how He parted the Red Sea and destroyed the kings of the Amorites beyond the Jordan. The historical knowledge of this nation of people first appeared when Israel had approached the land from Egypt to invade it, and for some reason (God’s discipline), they turned away and left. But now they are back and camping in the plains of Moab just across the river and ready to invade the land once again.
Rahab was an ungodly gentile woman who worshipped pagan gods and operated an inn on the walls of the city of Jericho. Yet simply hearing about the awesome power of God and pending judgment against the land, Rahab became afraid for herself and her family. Out of fear, Rahab believed that Yahweh is God in Heaven above and on the earth beneath (Josh. 2:11b). Because of her faith in God, Rahab accepted the two spies sent by Joshua and rejected her people, lying about the presence of the spies. Her only request in return for her actions was for mercy when Israel invaded the land.
Simple faith is rewarded with mercy and deliverance. What is your story of faith? How does your faith stand out against the backdrop of the world? One last interesting blessing for Rahab is that this same gentile woman of Jericho is included in the genealogy of Jesus. God rewarded her simple faith.
In His Service,
Pastor Cary