Touching Jesus

There is a large chasm that lays between faith and doubt. But God’s transforming grace can bridge that gap. And when you truly encounter the Lord Jesus Christ, the doubt that once governed your mind will begin to fade.

In John 20, Thomas represents all the individuals who hear the testimony about Jesus and the Gospel message, yet doubt its reality. These people want to see real evidence of God’s transforming grace and new life. They want to see Jesus! Read more…

Doubting Jesus: Questioning His Ministry

Many people doubt Jesus and question Christianity. They say, “How do I know that Jesus was real?” Or they might say that people just follow Christianity because they were programed to follow based on their upbringing. And for some this is true. Some people will follow a faith system not because they know for themselves that the teaching is true, but because that particular teaching is all they know. Read more…

Doubting Jesus…Questioning His Plan

Now is the right time to believe.

For not even His brothers were believing in Him. So Jesus said to them, “My time is not yet here, but your time is always opportune.” (John 7:5–6) Read more…
