Choose Your Words

The term hate speech has become a cliche in our society. It is often used to deflect any kind of statement someone doesn’t like. The social definition of hate speech is hateful words that appear to demean any person in any way. Even if it is truth. Read more…

Sacrificial Love

The great American civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. preached one of his most moving sermons, Loving Your Enemies, while he was in jail. He had been imprisoned for daring to suggest that African Americans should have the same rights as other Americans. During his lifetime he received countless death threats, was maliciously accused of being a communist, was jailed over 20 times, and his house was bombed. Yet, in this sermon, he said, “hate multiplies hate…in a descending spiral of violence” and is “just as injurious to the person who hates” as it is to their victim. However, “love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend” for it has “creative” and “redemptive” power.[1]

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And All Will Know

“By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:35)

There are many quotes regarding evangelism. One very common quote stands out; it is often attributed to St. Francis of Assisi is, “Preach the Gospel at all time and if necessary use words.” The Gospel message is based on the love of God, and the sacrificial love that Jesus demonstrated at the cross. Read more…
