Trust God’s Love

Each of us has had seasons of life where we wonder if God is with us or even nearby. Trouble has knocked on our door. So, we take the trouble to the Lord in prayer. We wait. Nothing seems to change. As hard as we try, we catch ourselves continually thinking about the trouble. We pray and pray and pray. Still . . .nothing seems to change. We get to the point where we wonder if our prayers are even getting any higher than the ceiling. The little hope or joy a new day can bring quickly turns gloomy, which turns into depression, which can turn into despair. “God, where are you?”

King David had a season of trouble that he tells about in Psalm 13:1-4, How long, Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and day after day have sorrow in my heart? How long will my enemy triumph over me? Look on me and answer, Lord my God. Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death, and my enemy will say, “I have overcome him,” and my foes will rejoice when I fall.

In verse 1, David felt like God had forgotten him. God wasn’t anywhere to be found. In verse 2, all he could think about was the trouble he was in, and he kept having a heavy heart. In verse 3, David’s depression got so bad that if God didn’t intervene and answer his prayer, he would die, and trouble would have the victory.

Once David gets his feelings off his chest, something happens. We arrive at verses 5 and 6 to see David’s feelings of doom, gloom, and depression turn into faith, rejoicing, and songs of praise. Psalm 13:5-6, But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing the Lord’s praise, for he has been good to me.

The Hebrew word for “love” in verse 5 is “hesed”. It is a big word that means God’s love is unfailing. God’s love is loyal. God’s love never ends. Hesed includes God’s kindness and mercy. “Hesed” is based upon the covenant that God has made with His people.

So, what happened between verses 4 and 5? Did trouble go away? Not yet! David remembered that he had a covenant with the Almighty God. Regardless and in spite of his circumstances, David chose to continue trusting in God’s “hesed” or unfailing love.

As Christ-followers, we, too, have a covenant with the Almighty God through Jesus Christ our Lord. God’s covenant is His word, and we each have God’s covenant in our possession, whether it is an actual printed Bible or on an electronic device. Daily develop your faith and trust in God’s covenant love for you. God always keeps His promises because He is faithful and true. He is a God that cannot lie.

So, the next time trouble comes knocking on your door, and you feel like God is far away, REMEMBER His covenant and pray, “God, I may feel like You are nowhere to be found, BUT I know better! You are good to me. Instead of sorrow in my heart, I choose joy and will celebrate your deliverance for me. I will trust and continue to trust in Your unfailing love!”

Daily trusting God’s unfailing love,
Pastor Tom

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