The grace of God existed before creation demonstrated victory over sin. Sin held all creation ransom until the time when Jesus came and paid the penalty of sin with His life. It is by His great grace that man has the chance for redemption and freedom. This comes through faith alone in Jesus alone. Then every area of life touched by sin has been set free by grace. Sin no longer has the power to rule and will not exist forever. To leave any aspect of life under sin, would allow sin to triumph over grace.
Grace wins every time we recognize and submit our lives to the supremacy and authority of Jesus as Lord and Savior. Jesus is the creator of all things, and holds all things together, so that we can endure as the redeemed in a sin infested world. Sin no longer has dominion over us, but when we step out of the victory that grace has afforded to us, we in turn surrender a part of our life to sin resulting in an area of life that is defeated. It is time to live as winners because Grace has already won and wins every time we submit our lives to Jesus.