YAC – Young Adult Connection

If you’re looking for a place to connect with other Young Adults, our Young Adults Connection is the place for you.  YAC is geared for those 18-30ish. We gather together every Monday to celebrate God through Worship, Prayer and Study of God’s Word.  We start our night with volleyball (weather permitting) or a host of other indoor games for fun and fellowship.  Around 7:40pm we head into our worship and study time.  On the last Monday of the month, we have YAC Dinner Night where we share a meal together. Don’t get lost after High School or in your Career.  Stay plugged into God and Fellowship with other believers.  Join YAC today. 
Contact: Pastor Mike Towler, 503.397.4387

Monday Nights

6:30-9 pm at WCF in the Cave
Led by: Pastor Mike Towler