Taste And See That The Lord Is Good

 Taste and see that the LORD is good; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him! Psalms 34:8

Can God deal with our biggest fears? The obvious answer is yes, yet sometimes things get a little crazy, and we jump back to relying on or meddling in our situations without letting God into them.

How many times had King David seen the amazing hand of God give him victory? Countless and probably more times than recorded in Scripture, yet in 1 Samuel 21, David is recorded to “act crazy” or “insane” because he was afraid of king Achish. He acted this way to fool the king and to cause the king to send him away. It’s a strange footnote kind of story in Scripture. What puzzles me is the idea that he thought this would work, and it did, but it was another instance in David’s life where he took matters into his own hands. And yet God used it. And even after the “craziness,” David writes Psalm 34.

What’s in Psalm 34, you say? Well, it’s all the reasons you don’t need to “go crazy” figuring it all out on your own. It’s all the reasons you know God has your back and front and sideways. We can trust God with our fears and our lives. We can know that as Psalm 34:15 says, “The eyes of the LORD are toward the righteous, And His ears are toward their cry for help.”

David realizes so many promises in Psalm 34 that I really encourage you to read through this Psalm and note them. Write them somewhere you can look at them the next time fear comes in to try and steal your joy and faith in God. Memorize and repeat the statements David makes in Psalm 34.

If we believe our God is for us like the Bible says, and if we believe God is good like the Bible says. Then I think we can confidently say as David did to others, “Taste and see that the LORD is good; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!”

Proclaiming God’s glory with you,

Pastor Mike

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